News and Updates

Do you want to know the latest news and information about what’s happening at Springhill? This is the place to find out. Check back frequently for updates!

Children's Ministry Christmas Party

All Children's Ministry families and volunteers are invited to our annual holiday event after worship on Sunday, December 15 at the Bozeman site. We'll have lunch, crafts, cookie decorating, and preparing Bags of Hope for people in need throughout the Gallatin Valley.

Student Ministry Christmas Party

Middle and High School students are invited to join us for our festive Youth Group Christmas Party from 5:00-7:00 pm on Sunday, December 15 at the Bozeman site. Sign up here to bring taco toppings for dinner and to RSVP. Bring unwrapped candy or cookies ($5 or less) for a fun gift exchange.

Christmas Eve Worship Services

Please join us for candlelight services as we celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas Eve at both sites. Nursery care will be available for children two years and under during the 3:00 pm service.

*3:00 pm at the Bozeman site (in-person and online)

*5:00 pm and 7:00 pm at the Legacy site (in-person)

Springhill Winterfest

Join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship with our church family at Yellowstone Alliance Adventures (13707 Cottonwood Canyon Road) for Springhill Winterfest on Saturday, January 4. Plan to arrive at 11:30 am and enjoy lunch at noon before a fun afternoon of games, crafts, and tubing! Bring your family and friends and click here to register for this FREE event.


Please sign children age four (MUST be potty trained) through the fifth grade up by clicking here.

Discipleship Opportunities

Check out our weekly Bible studies, Sunday School classes for all ages, Life Groups, Youth Group, Awana, and more via the following links. These are great ways to get involved in the life of the church. You can also find the church-wide calendar here.

Discipleship Opportunities for Women
Discipleship Opportunities for Men
Student Ministry
Children's Ministry

Tech Team Volunteers Needed

We're looking for volunteers for our Tech Ministry! We need dedicated individuals who can occasionally serve by working closely with our worship teams to provide a distraction-free worship experience on Sunday mornings (ex. running slides, Livestream, sound, etc.). Call Reid Loessberg in the church office for specific details.

Weekly Pre-Service Prayer

Join us as we pray for our church, congregation, community, and more on Sunday mornings at the Bozeman site Prayer Room from 9:15-9:45 am.

Springhill App

Did you know we have an app? Search for "Springhill Presbyterian Church" (look for the green and white Springhill mountain logo) in the app store on your phone and download it today! You can stay up to date on all the news, give directly online, and more!