Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry Mission Statement - "We are a Gospel-centered community committed to sowing seeds of faith in children and families for the glory of God."

At Springhill, we love children. It is a privilege to support families in teaching your children about Christ and the Bible. We strive to provide children with a kid-friendly and secure environment where they feel welcomed and encouraged to trust Jesus as their Savior. Our teachers are Spirit-filled and loving people who share God’s love with your child every week.

We offer Sunday School for children through the fifth grade at both the Legacy and Bozeman sites. All children, except for those in the nursery, will be checked in and then sit with their parents until they are released each week after a children’s sermon. We will learn a lesson, play games, have activities/crafts, and join together in prayer. We will be using The Gospel Project for our curriculum, beginning with Genesis and working our way through the entire Bible.


Awana is a highly scriptural and relational program for children in Pre-K through the fifth grade. Children and adult volunteers will memorize scripture, hear the Gospel, play games, develop lasting friendships, and become life-long followers of Christ through Awana. Our Awana program meets weekly during the school year from 4:00-5:30 pm on Wednesdays at the Bozeman site. Snacks will be provided.

Please sign children age four (MUST be potty trained) through the fifth grade up by clicking here*Note - we are charging a $45/child fee this year which will be assessed to each family after September 25. Scholarships will be available for families in need and questions can be directed to Pastor Brian.

Click here for our fall Awana schedule.

The Gospel Project logo.